Little Reminders To Take Advantage Of A Changing Season

What’s your favourite season?
Just as the seasons change, so do our lives. We deal with changes every day—some big, some small.
You might not know a season is ending until you smell it in the breeze. When you look back, you realize that a chapter in your life is closing, and a new one is starting.
When the seasons change, you notice…
- The crisp air on your morning commute
- Changing colours, from the leaves on trees to the shade of the grass
- The sun rising and setting at different times
Change can be scary. It brings with it a lot of uncertainty. But instead of meeting it with apprehension, you can alter your mindset to welcome changing tides.
Sad to see the end of summer? There’s no need to mourn the end of a season—it will be back before you know it! Stay in the here and now, and relish the time you have left.
Here are a few ways you can get the most out of the present moment (and prepare for a transition):
Be Present
We live in a society of more. All around us, we get messages about how we need more money. More recognition. More stuff.
But when you’re caught up in this mindset, you overlook what you already have. You get so focused on the idea of more that you can’t enjoy the present moment.
So, what do you love about your life right now? Try to see past all the little annoyances and stressors you encounter daily. Do you enjoy…
- The feeling of warm sunshine on your skin?
- Hearing the birds chirping during your daily commute?
- Meeting with friends on a patio?
Make note of these things in a journal, or simply remind yourself of them when you wake up. You’ll find it easier to appreciate the little things when you make time to be mindful.
Look Forward to What’s Ahead
Going through a rough patch? Our lives ebb and flow. At times, things are stable; we feel that we’re on top of our responsibilities. Other times, our stress levels spike.
When you feel stuck, take a look outside. Spring, summer, fall, winter—seasons don’t last forever. And neither will your discomfort. In a matter of time, your life will change again, just like the world around you does every few months.
Make Plans
How did summer pass so quickly? It seems like just weeks ago that we watched the snow melt and blades of grass emerge. Now, we’re starting the transition into cooler months.
Before the warm weather is gone, take advantage of it however you prefer. Is it a trip to the zoo wearing a light jacket? Or a day spent sitting by the Red River with a picnic basket and a good friend? Make these plans before the snow falls to make the most of the warm weather that’s left.
Appreciate the Moment
Not a winter person? Fall might remind you that it’s just around the corner. And even if winters in Winnipeg aren’t your favourite season, remember that it’s only temporary. Discomfort is temporary.
Let this blog serve as a reminder that things change—and that’s okay. You can find happiness during any month of the year. From the team at Bare Body Sugaring in Winnipeg, we hope you enjoy a smooth transition from summer to autumn.