The Art of Self-Compassion: How To Be Kind To Yourself In Times Of Struggle

Life is beautiful, but it’s far from perfect. No matter who you are or where you live, you’re certain to face ups and downs on your journey forward. When difficult times arise and threaten to swallow you up, how do you weather the storm and who do you turn to for support?
While having a strong community around you is an important element of prevailing under tough circumstances, there’s also tremendous benefit in being your own best friend. You are with yourself 24 hours a day and you have the power to comfort and uplift yourself like no one else.
This beautiful concept is known as self-compassion and we’ve explored it in a little more depth below:
What Is Self-Compassion?
Simply put, self-compassion is the direct opposite of self-criticism. It’s taking the opportunity to show yourself the same kindness and care you’d show to a dear friend at a difficult time.
It might sound simple, but in reality, it can be tough to combat negative feelings and self-talk to become your own loving champion and advocate. In fact, many of us tend to habitually block our own self-compassionate impulses.
Common Roadblocks to Self-Compassion
In today’s society, we experience a great deal of pressure to be happy. Often, when difficult situations occur we feel inadequate like we “shouldn’t be giving in” to negative emotions. Our inner critic may make us worry that we’re selfish or lazy if we validate our feelings or care for ourselves in these moments.
In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Benefits of Self-Compassion
Finding the strength and courage to show compassion to yourself, as you would for a friend, can have many benefits, including:
- Decreased anxiety and depression
- Increased ability to seek support when struggling
- Improved emotional resilience and overall well-being
- A reduction in negative emotions such as shame, guilt, and grief
- The ability to take on multiple perspectives
- The ability to provide comfort to yourself and improve your mood, even when you’re alone
Tips for Practicing Self-Compassion
- Identify, express, and validate your feelings (including negative feelings). A mindfulness practice may help you gain non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and feelings.
- Remind yourself that you’re not alone in your feelings and recognize that they don’t make you “bad“. Access your compassionate inner voice and open yourself to receiving kindness.
- Think about how you’d support a close friend, and do the same for yourself. You may wish to speak aloud or repeat a powerful phrase, such as “I am enough” as doubts or a self-critical voice arise throughout the day.
- Move forward in the knowledge that it’s okay to feel imperfect and that you possess the innate ability to offer love and kindness to yourself and benefit from self-compassion practices.
Practice Self-Compassion at Bare Body
At Bare Body Sugaring in Winnipeg, we know that true beauty goes far beyond skin deep and are always here to support and empower our clients to become their best selves. Love the body you’re in with gentle, natural sugaring in Winnipeg as you deepen your self-compassion practice and continue your journey forward toward self-love, self-care, and self-acceptance. Call us today to book an appointment!